My Only Sunshine

I love tuberose. It is not for everyone. Tuberose is a huge tropical floral that has clear scent memory for me. I love perfume, and many of my perfumes are tuberose blends, often with jasmine. My Only Sunshine has all of the scent notes I love best, but I have to say, the bar I melted of My Only Sunshine was NOT a strong bar. In fact, it was rather on the lighter end, and I found that disappointing. It did last a good while, a quixotic thing considering it was such a quiet scent. I really want to try some more of this, since I know, based upon past experience, that batches CAN vary. The opening of My Only Sunshine is definitely all about the florals. The later hours are all about the sandalwood and vanilla. Yum! It is delicious. However, if my future trials don't come up with a stronger bar, I'm afraid I won't be able to recommend it. I don't want to have to stick my nose in my warmer, and I bet you don't either. The scent is a 10, the last is a 7, and the throw is still yet to be decided.
Fresh Cut Daisies
A meadow awash in summer blooms: freshly cut grass and clover with daisies, buttercups, and ivy.