Baby Soren is Here!!
Our newest grandchild, Soren Eric finally arrived this past Monday, the 13th. He was not quite a week overdue. Weighing in at a whopping 8 lb 4 oz (well, that's whopping for us...his Mom is a wee wisp of a thing, barely gained twenty pounds during the pregnancy, and eats like a horse, lol) and 21" long. He's an angel.
Being at his birth was such a thrill. I had been scheduled to be at Elf's birth back in May, but Miss Alice had the cord wrapped twice around her neck, not allowing her to descend, and a c-section was necessary. Soren's labor was going along just fine. We got to the hospital at 1 am and Mom was already 5 cm dilated. It progressed pretty steadily until 9 cm and from 9 to 10 was a very long waiting game. Still, baby was doing great and it was just stay the course. Once Mom got to 10 and started pushing, things started to change. An hour in, Soren suddenly started having some pretty serious heart decelerations...down to the 50's and 60's with a slow recovery. Not Good. Suddenly, his baby nurse insisted he needed out "NOW!" and boy did that room explode! Luckily for us, one of the docs on staff that day is a rarely-found expert in forceps births (and the other miracle for us is that he is only at the hospital seven days a month!) So, rather than whisking my daughter off for an emergency c-section, they grabbed him to attempt a forceps birth. Dad was an absolutely amazing labor coach, but that was the only time I saw him falter the entire labor. It was intense. We had no time to think, though, because by the time the decision was made, to the time little Soren was crowning was less than ten minutes! He was born at 2:38 pm, a perfect little angel. Turns out the cord was also wrapped around his little neck twice, which was the obvious cause for his distress. But, his APGAR was 9, his head was perfectly shaped and fine, and he was a beautiful pink color within a minute or two. So, all's well that ends well, and praise to God for that miracle of a doctor.
Here he is in all his adorableness:
He'll be a lovely little cousin for Miss Alice to boss around.
Forever Yours and Simply Nashi Pear
I do hope you and yours had a blessed Christmas season (or holiday season, if you celebrate other holidays besides Christmas). Ours was so wonderful. What fun to shop for our wee ones this year. I found a great online toy store that has amazing, quality toys for kis and adults: Good prices and reasonable shipping, too.
On the Scentsy front, December was quiet. I finally got ahold of January's scent of the month, Forever Yours. Sweet, creamy lemon and enchanting jasmine: a rhapsody of devotion. Forever Yours strikes me as much more floral than lemon. I like jasmine well enough, but FY reminds me a lot of similar florals that Scentsy has put out over the years, and others have noticed the similarity, too---Linger, Lonicera, Cerise--all similar scents. My youngest daughter feels that Forever Yours is too perfumey, although I wasn't overwhelmed by that sensation myself. It is a pleasant lightish floral that just doesn't inspire me to purchasing heights, lol. However, if you happen to be a floral lover, I would recommend it, because it is quite pleasant. Scent Rating: 6, Scent Strength: 7 Scent Lasting Power: 9